Happy Chinese New Year

Happy Chinese New Year
Photo by Fortune, c. 2012

Friday, March 19, 2010

What a Bummer!

Generally I pay only passing attention to the celebrity love dramas incessantly reported on in the tabloids. Like any of us can ever really know what goes on behind closed doors! But it makes for something to do while waiting in the grocery line and in the crash-and-burn climate that's running rampant in the world of celebrity, well...what can you do? The stuff seeps in.

So, message to Sandra, message to Sandra Bullock: I will not pretend to know her beyond what I have seen in the media, esp. her recent interview with Barbara Walters. She gave credit to her husband for her ability to risk taking on the most difficult role of her career because he "had her back." I can only imagine the emotional devastation she is living. I pray that she will get to the other side of this, hopefully, without irreparable damage. She deserves so much better.

The thing that is most irksome about this affair is the unfair timing of its exposure. After so many years of hard work in roles not considered Oscar worthy, Sandra Bullock finally gets her moment in the golden boy's sun and here comes a sucker punch to her gut for the whole world to see. What a bummer! The time when she should be reveling in her success will be overshadowed by a crushing betrayal, a shadow that will be present every time she looks at her Oscar.

What, is Kayne West giving lessons on how to take the life out someone's success? This gives a whole new meaning to being "blind sided." What deep irony. Maybe after all the smoke clears Sandra Bullock's Oscar and all that it brings will outshine this sad episode.


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